Take this Free Food Allergy Self Assessment to determine if your symptoms have low, medium or high significance.


Food Allergy Assessment

Food Allergy Assessment

1 / 9

I have experienced recent weight gain and increase in body fat around mid-section and thighs?

2 / 9

I can’t lose weight even though I exercise?

3 / 9

I have been diagnosed with an auto immune disease such as Lupus, M.S, RA, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, eczema, psoriasis Arthritis?

4 / 9

I have Heartburn/ GERD?

5 / 9

I experience Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and/or diarrhea?

6 / 9

I suffer from Anxiety or depression?

7 / 9

I suffer from Asthma?

8 / 9

I crave certain foods?

9 / 9

I have Bloating after eating?

Notice: You will receive an email after completing the assessment. If you don't see it please check your spam folder. By filling out this assessment, I consent to receive emails and texts from Natural Hormone Replacement Clinics of Colorado.