Take this Free Leaky Gut Self Assessment to determine if your symptoms have low, medium or high significance.


Leaky Gut Assessment

Leaky Gut Assessment

1 / 10

Do you suffer from bloating or gas when eating?

2 / 10

Do You have heartburn, GERD or Barrett’s esophagitis?

3 / 10

Are you often tired?

4 / 10

Do you have mental fogging, confusion, anxiety and mood swings?

5 / 10

Do you have joint or muscle pain or have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

6 / 10

Do you have diarrhea or constipation?

7 / 10

Do you have a weight problem that just won’t go away?

8 / 10

Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition such as Crohn’s, Celiac, IBS, Rheumatoid, Lupus, Eczema, psoriatic, type 1 or type 2 diabetes?

9 / 10

Have you had a bacterial infection, Candida yeast overgrowth, parasitic or mold infection?

10 / 10

Have you had a life trauma? Loss of job or loved one, a child who is ill, divorce or bankruptcy?

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