Blood Food Allergy Testing and Inhalent Screening Panel
Food Allergies…how many of your symptoms could be coming from consuming allergic foods your body doesn’t want (bloating, sneezing, diarrhea, bad bowel gas, heart burn, feeling tired not invigorated after eating), heart racing, mental fogginess)?
In order to achieve permanent weight loss, your blood will be tested against 190 foods to measure any allergic response to meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, spices, Gluten, Gliadin, Corn, Milk, Whey, Soy and Eggs ( IgE and IgG antibodies are tested for immediate food sensitivities and delayed allergic responses). Systemic Inflammation can lead to Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome,Weight Gain, Heart problems, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and many Degenerative and Auto Immune Diseases. With every bite you take you could be Feeding Your Inflammation! Healing Your Gut will be one of the primary Goals.
We promise to give you all the tools you require to be successful with your weight loss plus the encouragement and guidance to carry you through the 20 week journey.
Please call today #303-460-0867 to schedule your Free Consultation.