We Are A Trusted Name In Hormone Replacement Therapy
Find Out For Yourself Why Patients Love Our Services

This husband and wife duo are the real deal!!! I HIGHLY recommend them! They are like family when you walk in, they not only help you through figuring out natural hormone replacements or food allergy testing, they truly care for each and every patient. They take their time to get to know you. You don’t feel like another number walking in and out of their door, but you truly feel cared for and listened to. They’ve helped our family with Numerous issues. Issues we’d had for years were taken care of in just a few months after following their educated advise. They are extremely intelligent and have your best interest at hand. We trust both of them! Whether you’re having issues with health related things or issues with hormonal imbalances, these two will be the help and support you need! It’s very important to our family to go as natural as possible and these guys nail it! They are the very best of the best!! I cannot recommend them enough! Truly amazing!!
Rocky R.

Since meeting with Dr. Dale & Dr. Cheri at NHRCC the “FOG”, the forgetfulness, the hot flashes, the waking at night, the anxiety, the insecurity and the second guessing are gone gone gone! They gave me my life back!” Kimberly Lefler, Lone Tree, CO*
Kimberly Lefler
V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc

I discovered, with the help of the very wonderful Dr. Dale F Baird Jr. and Dr.Cheri Baird that I have several food allergies which were causing a lot of my problems, including weight loss.” Angie Kramer*
Angie Kramer
Jacquline B.
Body Fat Loss with Hormone Balance and Toxic food elimination.

Lindsay A. aka “The Goat Cheese Lady” had to say…
Celebrating Gluten, Eggs and Health!
Around this time last year, I embarked on a health changing, energy lifting, life altering diet and supplement routine to combat the extreme fatigue that was robbing me of one month per year.
I had figured out that for at least four days per month, I was so exhausted, I couldn’t get out of bed. My limbs felt heavy, weak, worthless. I showered with my eyes closed, leaning against the wall, attempting to make it through the most basic of daily tasks, only to crawl back in bed with lest hair to sleep for the next four hours. It was difficult to get any focused amount of activity finished because I could not predict if tomorrow would be a good day or a bad.
I had been to different doctors over the years, each with a suggestion or a medication that they thought would help…none did. I suspected hormonal imbalances, and finally, the exhaustion got so bad that I Googled “fatigue, hormone, natural, Colorado” and found Natural Hormone Replacement Clinics of Colorado. After extensive blood and saliva testing, Dr. Baird and Dr. Hollstrom put me on a strict diet (specific to my blood level food allergies), a hormone cream regimen and a variety of supplements including a probiotic, an anti-viral and methylated vitamin B, all to be carried out for one year
I waited a full year to tell you who the doctors were because I wanted to be sure it worked before recommending them. Today, it has been one year and two days.
And, despite some other health issues that cropped up late in the game, I can tell you with certainty that for me, it worked. I am thankful to Dr. Hollstrom and Dr. Baird for leading me down a path to improved energy that I hadn’t found elsewhere. I can now stay awake all day for many days in a row! I have gone from four days a month of total, extreme exhaustion to just needing a nap here and there.
I followed the diet with intensity and dedication, and today, I celebrate. Today is the day I can reintroduce wheat, gluten and eggs, after not eating them for a year.
Lindsay A. “The Goat Cheese Lady”