Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowthSIBO, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS). What do these 3 conditions have in common?
One, they show a breach in intestinal permeability. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, is a condition if untested or untreated can lead to leaky gut syndrome and irritable bowel disease. The toxins that these pathogens produce can enter the lining or submucosa of the intestine and cause breakdown of the tight junctions of the intestine. The tight junctions are gatekeepers of the gut that are to be selective in the size of molecules entering the bloodstream. Tight junctions are only to let very small molecules through their barrier. The bad or pathogenic bacteria release cytotoxins that penetrate the submucosa of the gut and initiate the inflammatory cycle which releases and inflames that area of the gut. This produces a dysfunctional response in our immune system due to the damage of the tight junctions.

You can be experiencing with SIBO and leaky gut syndrome fatigue, your breath smells of alcohol, malabsorption or loss of electrolytes, nutrients, vitamins, GERD, belching and bloating. Also, one can have a dump syndrome, whereas soon as you eat you must go to the toilet to release your bowels. You can have loose runny watery stools with a foul odor.

We have a special test for SIBO called the Pathogen Associated Immune Reactivity Panel that identifies your immune response to 30 different pathogens by measuring your body’s immune reaction to these pathogenic bacteria, parasites, molds, viruses, Candida and spirochetes that have become associated with multiple autoimmune conditions and can often trigger inflammation with loss of immune tolerance that leads to an autoimmune responses and overtime leads to autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, MS, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, Chron’s, Celiac and SIBO.

You can be experiencing with SIBO and leaky gut syndrome: fatigue, your breath smells of alcohol, malabsorption or loss of electrolytes, nutrients, vitamins, GERD, belching and bloating. Also, one can have a dump syndrome, whereas soon as you eat you must go to the toilet to release your bowels. You can have loose runny watery stools with a foul odor.

Once tested at Natural Hormone Replacement Clinics of Colorado and if positive, natural treatment with nutraceuticals is started to reestablish normal function and improve symptoms.