Do You Have A Weight Problem that Just Won’t Go Away?

Do You Have A Weight Problem that Just Won’t Go Away? By Dr Dale Baird Are Your Food Allergies Causing A Weight Problem? Food Allergies are a growing concern with Weight Problem in the United States today. One type of allergy is for the most part silent, meaning...

What Are NeuroTransmitters?

What Are NeuroTransmitters? By Dr Dale Baird In the most basic of terms, Neurotransmitters are the chemical messaging service that the brain uses to control your body. Neurotransmitters are how our brains tell our heart to keep beating and how it tells our muscles...

Hormone Imbalance

One of the main concerns shared by our doctors at the Natural Hormone Replacement Clinics of Colorado is the number of younger women (25-40) we see with major hormone imbalances especially here in the Denver area. Most all women between the ages of 25 and 90 years can...